The Epsilon Quadrant Vol 2 excerpt
The Supreme Ruler, the elderly peace loving man who stood at the head of the conference table, faced the door and very naively said, “Sir, are you the leader of this group? If you are, then what's the meaning behind this interruption? Why are you people here? We are conducting state business here, you need to leave immediately!”
The coups leader instantly recognized the old man. With his weapon pointed directly at the Supreme Ruler he rudely said to him, “Sit down and shut up old man; you are not in charge here anymore!”
Cyntaxe’s white-haired and mustachioed elderly Supreme Ruler, surprised that someone would talk to him in the manner he’d just been spoken to, meekly followed orders and quietly sat. The others who sat at the long conference table were aghast. With the defense minister already laying on the floor dead, each of the conferees sat in silence. Each one feared he or she would be the next victim of this group of Shakops.
This very bossy and dreadful looking individual, the man who everyone in the room rightly assumed was the leader, walked slowly over toward the Supreme Ruler and as he did so he surveyed the entire room. He kept his electrofuzer squarely aimed at the Supreme Ruler the entire time. As he slowly walked toward the group of ministers and visiting dignitaries he sized up everyone that sat around the large oblong table. He didn’t say another word for what seemed like an eternity, but in fact was less than thirty seconds. There was a surreal quietness in the room. As this evil looking man walked around the table, his boots rhythmically struck the highly polished wooden floor and made the only audible sound within the confines of the conference room.
Naturally at a financial aid planning conference no one expected any disruptions, so no one was armed. Nobody had even the faintest idea what was going to happen next. The coups leader, still with his electrofuzer aimed squarely at the Supreme Ruler’s head, stared directly at him. Neither man’s eyes wavered, not for a second. The Supreme Ruler sat motionless, no more than two meters from where this disgusting and obviously evil man stood. If this evil looking man shot his weapon, it would be impossible for him to miss the Supreme Ruler at such a short distance.
The leader of the rebels stood there and once again closely scrutinized all those seated around the table. To those seated at the table it appeared as if he was undecided as to what he should do next. After he sized up everyone in the room he then turned and once again faced the Supreme Ruler. Then this God forsaken, disgusting looking man, this evil and apparent leader of the band of rebels caught everyone off guard when he grinned at the Supreme Ruler. He surprised everyone when he ever so slowly squeezed the trigger on his electrofuzer and shot the Supreme Ruler. The shot, which hit the Supreme Ruler squarely in the forehead, killed him instantly, and all without so much as the blink of an eye or the utterance of a single word.
There was no justification for what just happened other than it was quite apparent the leader of this revolutionary group was very cold and evil hearted. He abruptly, very callously and unmercifully executed Cyntaxe’s Supreme Ruler. The execution wasn’t done in a fit of rage or anything like that at all. He carried out the execution to show all those in attendance at the conference just exactly who was now in charge.
The coups leader instantly recognized the old man. With his weapon pointed directly at the Supreme Ruler he rudely said to him, “Sit down and shut up old man; you are not in charge here anymore!”
Cyntaxe’s white-haired and mustachioed elderly Supreme Ruler, surprised that someone would talk to him in the manner he’d just been spoken to, meekly followed orders and quietly sat. The others who sat at the long conference table were aghast. With the defense minister already laying on the floor dead, each of the conferees sat in silence. Each one feared he or she would be the next victim of this group of Shakops.
This very bossy and dreadful looking individual, the man who everyone in the room rightly assumed was the leader, walked slowly over toward the Supreme Ruler and as he did so he surveyed the entire room. He kept his electrofuzer squarely aimed at the Supreme Ruler the entire time. As he slowly walked toward the group of ministers and visiting dignitaries he sized up everyone that sat around the large oblong table. He didn’t say another word for what seemed like an eternity, but in fact was less than thirty seconds. There was a surreal quietness in the room. As this evil looking man walked around the table, his boots rhythmically struck the highly polished wooden floor and made the only audible sound within the confines of the conference room.
Naturally at a financial aid planning conference no one expected any disruptions, so no one was armed. Nobody had even the faintest idea what was going to happen next. The coups leader, still with his electrofuzer aimed squarely at the Supreme Ruler’s head, stared directly at him. Neither man’s eyes wavered, not for a second. The Supreme Ruler sat motionless, no more than two meters from where this disgusting and obviously evil man stood. If this evil looking man shot his weapon, it would be impossible for him to miss the Supreme Ruler at such a short distance.
The leader of the rebels stood there and once again closely scrutinized all those seated around the table. To those seated at the table it appeared as if he was undecided as to what he should do next. After he sized up everyone in the room he then turned and once again faced the Supreme Ruler. Then this God forsaken, disgusting looking man, this evil and apparent leader of the band of rebels caught everyone off guard when he grinned at the Supreme Ruler. He surprised everyone when he ever so slowly squeezed the trigger on his electrofuzer and shot the Supreme Ruler. The shot, which hit the Supreme Ruler squarely in the forehead, killed him instantly, and all without so much as the blink of an eye or the utterance of a single word.
There was no justification for what just happened other than it was quite apparent the leader of this revolutionary group was very cold and evil hearted. He abruptly, very callously and unmercifully executed Cyntaxe’s Supreme Ruler. The execution wasn’t done in a fit of rage or anything like that at all. He carried out the execution to show all those in attendance at the conference just exactly who was now in charge.
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